Stars du web

Les fessiers d’une jeune femme font le tour du monde et on comprend pourquoi

Crédits : Instagram/madalingiorgetta

Être belle c'est bien, mais être bien dans sa peau, c'est encore mieux. Pour cela, Madalin Giorgetta a décidé de se montrer au naturel.

Aujourd’hui sur internet, il y a de nombreuses personnalités se prenant en photo. Autant d’images retouchées qui font complexer les jeunes filles obsédées par le culte du corps. Mais ce n’est pas le cas de Madalin Giorgetta, une coach et blogueuse fitness, qui voue un vrai culte au naturel.

L’exercice plus important que la perte de poids

Comme toutes les jeunes femmes ou presque, Madalin Giorgetta souhaitait avoir une silhouette parfaite. Si au début elle a essayé la méthode forte avec un régime drastique, la jeune femme a vite compris que ce n’était pas la bonne méthode : « Pour la plupart des jeunes femmes, l’objectif est de perdre du poids. Mais la recherche a montré qu’il ne s’agit pas d’un plan durable à long terme. Il faut changer notre façon de penser, et c’est la partie la plus difficile. Les gens doivent comprendre les avantages pour la santé de l’exercice« .

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I am passionate in the belief that movement is for everybody. I really want more people to be able to use the Work It with MG app – one of the few workout apps that doesn’t focus on weight loss, or “progress” photos, or restrictive ways of eating. But I know that at $20/month, a workout app can get expensive especially if that’s on top of a gym membership. Although we have discounted quarterly and yearly rates available via our website, I know that for many people, it’s preferable to pay month by month. We also heard from many of you that you really wanted to access the anti-diet content in the Learn section of the Work It with App, but didn’t want to pay the full cost since you wouldn't be using all of the functionality available in the app. All of this is why we have introduced a more affordable monthly “Pay What You Can” option for the Work It with MG app. You can now choose to pay either $4.99, $9.99 or $19.99 per month for the app. The Pay What You Can option is only available via our website: And remember – if you want to workout with me for FREE, I’ve got lots of non-diet/non-weight-loss workout videos available for you on my YouTube page, along with plenty of anti-diet culture content too! (search: Madalin Giorgetta). I would love to have you join us on the Work It with MG app – where you can learn how to break up with diet culture, connect with your body through movement and eating food that delights all whilst cultivating body acceptance and self-love. Love, Maddy xx

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Aujourd’hui, même si son corps n’est pas parfait, elle assume complètement et est heureuse dans sa vie. La fitgirl a donc décidé de se montrer telle qu’elle est, sans Photoshop ou autre retouche. Et le moins qu’on puisse dire, c’est que ça plaît énormément. Ses fesses font d’ailleurs le tour du monde. Voyez vous-même.

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Body says hi 👋🏼 For almost a year, I have struggled with sharing images of my body on this platform. Every photo felt fake, self obsessed, disingenuous. Previously, every photoshoot turned into me picking apart every part of my body, making lists of what needed fixing, deleting, comparing, loathing, obsessing… wash, rinse and repeat. I’ve slowly been taking more photos of my body. Sharing some, not sharing others. Slowly learning to accept and appreciate my body as it is, for what it is. I was in the shower the other day, washing my legs and I thought “wow, I’ve had these legs my whole life.” They’ve always looked like this. Sure, they’ve gained a bit of muscle and fat, sun spots, veins and stretchmarks, but my calves have always looked like little steel balls, my knees have always been bony and knobbly, my hips have always been round and soft, I’ve always had hair above my belly button, my bum always has a white crease underneath from not getting sunshine. My arms have always been covered in long black hair. My fingers have always been stubby and wrinkly. My boobies have always been small and pointy. My feet have always been wildly veiny when I get hot. Look, it was a long shower and I know we are in a water shortage right now but I was having some deep AF thoughts 😂 My body has changed, but in many ways, it’s still the same and it’s kind of amazing to me that I’ve carried this body my whole life, it’s like my little home that I’ve hated, loathed, fixed and obsessed over, that I never wanted to call my own, and now I just want to come home and make my body a nice hot cocoa and say, “sorry for being a c*nt, lets be friends now.” I don’t have to love my body everyday, but feeling a sense of wonder and appreciation for what my body has achieved and taken me through is incredibly powerful. I just wish it didn’t take me so many years of self hate to get here. Love you body, I’ll make you smell nice today 😘 Say something nice to your body today, you deserve it 💫

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